Leaders who care about mental health, practice this strategy


oleh R. Hardyanta, dibaca: 197 kali

In the new era of the workforce, a good leader today is a leader who understands how important mental well-being is for all employees in the workplace.


Leaders can play a significant role in reducing the impact of stress in the workplace. This is not to mention that the workplace is the cause of stress, but more about the employees who spend more of their time working.


There are some practical strategies that could be applied by a good leader:

1, Reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. Foster a culture of openness around mental well-being by discussing signs of stress in the meetings and providing employees with a range of resources to support their mental health, such as counseling sessions or seminars on stress management.


2. Encourage open communication. Creating an open and supportive work environment by encouraging employees to share their concerns can help them feel valued and reduce their stress levels. Encourage your managers to keep an eye on their direct reports and elevate serious mental health concerns to HR so your employees feel valued and get the help they need.


3. Implement a non-toxic management strategy. Give the managers tips on how to offer constructive criticism to help employees improve their skills. An effective tip for giving constructive criticism is to provide actionable feedback with specific examples of how they can improve. By giving actionable advice, the focus shifts from dwelling on the past to finding solutions for the future!


4. Involve employees in taking personal protective measures. Encourage employees to participate in wellness programs and promote work-life balance by offering flexible work schedules, remote work, or time off when needed.


5. Provide training for managers & team. Ongoing mental health and well-being training for everyone within the organization will reduce the stigma and prepare colleagues to approach mental health and wellness helpfully.


It is also important to equip managers with education and training on how to manage mental health and wellness at work. This could involve teaching how to openly communicate with employees without crossing any lines into uncomfortable territory.


By creating a supportive culture where mental health and well-being are seen as valuable parts of the workplace, you can improve the health of employees and the organization. Implement these strategies consistently and with the utmost care, and you will position your company as an employer of choice while doing right by your conscience.




Further reading:

  1. https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbescoachescouncil/2024/06/25/how-leaders-can-address-mental-health-and-well-being-in-the-workplace/
  2. https://www.kyanhealth.com/stress-in-the-workplace/
  3. https://www.healthscreenuk.co.uk/the-crucial-role-of-leadership-in-mental-wellbeing-at-the-workplace/



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