Top 10 Tips For Good Health & Wellbeing


oleh R. Hardyanta, dibaca: 199 kali

If you are a person who remains busy with work and other matters and pays no attention to your health and well-being, you must take a break from the robotic routine and pick healthy habits.

According to a psychologist, eating well and exercising gives your body and brain instant benefits of managing stress, depression, and anxiety. True well-being comes with balance, constant growth, and acceptance.

Mental health is an essential component of an individual’s overall health. According to the World Health Organization, health is the state of complete physical, mental or cognitive, and social well-being that transcends the absence of diseases or infirmity. 

While being healthy is a universal goal, figuring out how to achieve it is easier said than done. Discover the meaning of health and well-being to learn how they intersect, why they should be a priority, and ways to boost both.

I would like to share here the top 10 effective and proven ways that can help you improve your health & well-being:


1. Do something creative.

Being creative can improve mood, and self-esteem, as well as improving mental agility. There are things you can create around you, For example making handcraft from paper or used clothes.

Do you like to do paintings with simple tools like black-white pencils, colorful crayons, or palette paints? Creativity can help with processing emotions, reducing anxiety, and boosting your overall mental health.



2. Learn new skills. Find & practice new hobbies.

Learning is more than a positive way to spend your free time. It’s also an excellent way to maintain your well-being. Research shows that learning improves confidence and self-esteem. It promotes purpose, helps build connections with others, and may slow cognitive aging.

Use apps to learn about another language, and listen to mental health podcasts or video lessons. Maybe you like to do gardening and love to see flowers bloom.


Achieving goals you’ve set for yourself can increase your confidence and help you to feel more optimistic about the future.



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3. Value yourself and others. Practice gratitude.

Spend time to reflect on what you have done well, show your appreciation, and take pride in the compliments that you receive.

Practicing gratitude shifts the focus from what’s missing to what’s available in your life. Doing so can build your sense of contentment and well-being. Reflect on things you’re thankful for. Start or end your day by counting your blessings, and your well-being may swiftly improve.



4. Use foods to boost your mood. Eat nutritious food.

What you eat and drink can have a real influence on your mood so look out for and choose healthy food options.

Our bodies need the proper nutritional balance to thrive. Take the time to plan your meals to include the right components for a healthy diet. Limit refined sugars, alcohol, and caffeine, since they affect health factors like sleep.

Pay attention to what your body doesn't want as well. For instance, avoid foods that cause ill effects or inflammation. For instance, if you have gut issues, experiment with removing dairy or gluten to see if you notice a change. Identifying food triggers can improve your health and your mental wellness.



5. Keep in touch with friends and loved ones. Connect with others.

Relationships with other people are critical to our well-being and mental health, and for good reason. Humans are social creatures. We evolved to live in tight-knit groups of other people. In evolutionary terms, our survival depended on it.

Though society has evolved, our well-being still depends on connecting with others. Meaningful relationships enhance our sense of purpose, and time with others promotes healthy behaviors.

Research has shown that people whose goals in life are focused on family, friends, and colleagues have increased wellbeing.



6. Keep physically active.

When you remain physically active and exercise daily, your blood flow improves in your entire body. With the increased blood flow, the number of oxygen increases and you feel more energetic, fresh, and mentally active.

Exercise and physical activities are more important if you are an office worker. Exercise not only ensures our body remains fit but also keeps our mind healthy as well. You don’t have to join expensive gyms for that. A simple walk with your pet or daily morning walk is more than sufficient. The important thing is to make it a daily habit.

Exercise can improve sleep, boost your mood, and decrease anxiety, depression, and stress.  Studies show that physical activity may help moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medications. 



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7. Care for yourself. Learn to live in the present.

Set aside some time for yourself to do the things you enjoy. Spending time outside, in the sunshine, and walking in nature or getting fresh air can boost creativity, improve focus and concentration, and enhance memory.


The biggest reason for experiencing mood swings, depression, and anxiety is when a person remains stuck in past events. Negative self-talking such as “Why people did this to me” steals not only the happiness but make the person miss opportunities that the present moment tries to offer.

Learn to live in the present moment and try not to think too much about the future.



8. Get involved and make a contribution. Give to others.

Being involved in fun events or projects can help you to learn new skills, meet new people, and give a great sense of fulfillment. Take part in community social activities, sports clubs, or gatherings.

Generosity feels great regardless, but it can also improve your well-being. Also appreciate other people’s effort or something good done.



9. Take a break. Improve sleep.

Work better, not harder. Make sure you take your annual leave throughout the year, to help you take a well-deserved break when you may need it the most.

Take time to unwind, such as doing deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, taking a bath, or reading a book. Schedule regular times for these and other healthy activities.


Living on six hours of sleep might be possible, but it’s not helpful to your well-being or mental health journey. Increasing the duration and quality of sleep can lower your heart rate, blood pressure, and stress.

Make sleep hygiene a focus of your day. Wind down from screens early (two hours before bed, ideally). Create a wind-down ritual that works for you. It might be meditation, a hot bath, or quiet reading time. Whatever it is, prepare your mind and your environment for a great night’s sleep.



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10. Manage mental health. Ask for help & share feelings.

Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act, and relate to others.

Managing mental health includes factors such as managing stress and maintaining social connections. Research shows that people who report being happier live as much as four to 10 years longer than less happy people.


Find out and learn knowledge around understanding about mental disturbance symptoms that may disturb your daily activity. If you feel under pressure and feel your workload is spiraling out of control, take the opportunity to discuss your feelings with friends, family, or your manager. Today, there are many media & channels that could be used to improve your knowledge & understanding of managing mental health.




Bringing more well-being into your daily life is as easy as adding new, healthy habits. Building these practices can improve health for all ages and types of people. Habits are so important for health & well-being. Habits play a pivotal role in creating the foundation of our daily experience. When you build better habits, you set yourself up for behaviors that get more positive outcomes. Consistent action makes the behavior easier to maintain over time. It also ensures that it becomes a part of your self-perception.





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